indian art - miniatures - archecticture - vedic philosophy

Classical - Kangra - Jayadeva Goswami's Gita-Govinda
Plate 12 - The Union of Radha and Krishna  


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Then she, no more delaying,
entered straight;
Her step a little faltered,
But her face shone with unutterable quick love.

And while the music of her bangles
passed the porch,
Shame, which had lingered in her downcast eyes,
Departed shamed...

And like the mighty deep,
Which sees the moon
And rises, all his life
Uprose to drink her beams.

The painting illustrates the following verse from Canto XII of the Gita Govinda:

gatavati sakhivrindem
andatrap abharanir bhara
smara parava sakutasphita
smitasnapi tadharam

sarasamanasam drishtva
radham muhurnavapallava
prasavagayane nikshiptak
shimuvacha harih priyam

kisalaya sayanatale kuru kamini
charananalina vinivesam
tava padapalla vavairipara bhavam
idamanu bhavatu suvesam

"Tears of joy gushed in a stream from the full eyes of Radha and their watery glances beamed. on her best beloved. Even shame, which had lingered in her downcast eyes was itself ashamed and departed, when the fawn-eyed Radha, gazed on the brightened face of Krishna, while she passed by the soft edge of his couch and the bevy of her attendant nymphs warily retired from the bower.

Govinda, seeing his beloved cheerful, her lips sparkling with smiles, and her eyes speaking desire, thus eagerly addressed her; while she carelessly reclined on the leafy bed strewn with soft blossoms: 'Set the lotus of thy foot on this azure bosom; and let this couch be victorious over all, who rebel against love."